Sunday, March 6, 2011

Life and other ramblings.

Hello fine people of the blogging world!
It's been a while since we last encountered! 
A lot has happened in the last couple of months:
  • I lost my glasses, at the beach. I now have a new beautiful red pair.
  • I died my hair red. That washed out in two weeks. Re-died it, turned out really dark brown, I love it!
  • I've become a Little Monster.
  • I entered 5 photos in a  competition at the local festival.
  • I came first in Junior (under 16) any subject in colour, and second in Junior any subject in monochrome. 
  • I also got Junior Champion Photograph for the coloured one. I'm not going to show you now, because I don't have a watermark on them yet.
  • I've not done enough reading.
  • I made a friend. (on the internet)
  • I discovered Robyn (Swedish musician).
  • I got a blind put up in my room. Might not seem very exciting, but to me it is!
  • I've fallen in love with Tumblr.
  • I started school again, year 8 now. (I'm actually procrastinating now)
  • I was diagnosed with NMH (Neurally Mediated Hypotension)  4 days ago. I've now started on a new medication that hopefully will make me feel a little better. Also it's bottles and bottles of water, and truck loads of salt for me! 
I'm currently really behind in my school work, that's thanks to having to go to Melbourne, which is 4 1/2 hours away. I've been twice in the last month, both times for doctors. And I have to go back early April. But it's okay because I've got really understanding teachers this year! I actually only got home from Melbourne a couple of days ago, I had to have a Tilt Table Test to confirm the NMH. That's something I don't wanna do again in a hurry.

I know I should be doing school work now, but it's stressing me out. And I know that if I don't do it now, I'll fall more behind, but when I do actually do some work, I feel as if I don't get a whole lot done in one day I'm still falling behind. Endless cycle I'm in! I'm sure I'll catch up soon though. *fingers crossed*

That's all from me today, the next time you hear from me it'll hopefully be reviewing my next book, I Am Number Four!


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